5 Interesting Tips to Rock Your Statement Necklace

Have you heard the term ‘statement necklace’ but not sure what it means? Well, it can be any necklace that looks unique, occupies a lot of space, and draws the attention of the viewers. You sure can wear a simple picture pendant and flaunt your elegant side, but adding the statement necklace can give a 360° spin to your fashion statement. It does not matter if you already have such necklaces in your wardrobe or plan to make your first purchase of these accessories, you may want to know some tips to pull off your jewelry the right way. In this blog, we share the tips for styling statement necklaces with all kinds of outfits for all types of events. So, are we ready to dive in? Let us get started. Layer Up – Some can’t get enough of just one statement necklace. If you belong to this category, carry on with your bold and daring fashion sense without caring about the world. You can combine and wear two or more statement necklaces to create a bigger impac...